Call for Funds for CA Fires
Central Oregon has been hard hit by wildfires the last couple of months. But we haven't faced the kind of devastation seen from hurricanes on the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts. More recently, and closer to home, Northern California has experienced horrendous losses...

9 Ways to Save on Back-to-School Shopping
School starts in some Central Oregon school districts very soon. During August, Mid Oregon Credit Union hosts a supply drive called "Supplies 4 Schools", in all 7 of our branches. Supplies are distributed through FAN in Deschutes and Crook Counties, and to the schools...

You Can Make a Difference with School Supplies
You Can Make a Difference with School Supplies and help local kids off to a great start! Mid Oregon Credit Union knows our members, and you, want every Central Oregon kid to get the start he or she needs to succeed in school. As a homegrown credit union founded right...