Mid Oregon Credit Union President’s Message- May 2015

By Bill Anderson, President/CEO


In order to provide the best service to members, we strive to have clarity of purpose and function throughout the Credit Union. One of the ways we do this is to make sure all staff members are clear about why the credit union exists and how we do things. Here are the major characteristics we need everyone to be clear about.

Why does the Credit Union exist?

In order to help people meet their needs and achieve their dreams, Mid Oregon Credit Union provides financial value and service to current and future members. We believe the Credit Union should be a safe, secure and stable financial institution for our members. We believe in a true and impactful commitment to the community in which members live, work, worship and go to school.

How do we behave?

We are Coachable – Words we use to describe this value: quick learner, willing adaptive, low drama, ask questions, dependable, accountable, honest, and unafraid.
We are People’s People – Words we use to describe this value: team builder, enthusiastic, fun, uninhibited, positive, idealistic, low drama, friendly, approachable, willing, adaptive.
We have an Owner’s Mentality – Words we use to describe this value: accountable, coach, team builder, advocate, supportive, goal oriented, future focused, change focused, innovative, hardworking, analytical/thoughtful, takes ownership, vision, dependable, asks questions, professionalism, calm presence.

What do we do?

We provide financial value and services to current and future members who live, work, worship or go to school in our communities.

How will we succeed?

Personal Relationships, Operational Simplicity and Community Responsibility

What is most important–right now?

Improve Speed to Fulfillment

Who must do what?

The Board of Directors employs the CEO to responsibly operate the Credit Union and be accountable for its performance. The CEO develops and implements operational goals and tactics to achieve the Board’s strategic ends. The CEO employs professionals that provide service to members, product support and fiscal management.

How do we know if we have clarity?

Our goal is that any member of our staff or management has the ability to provide examples of how we utilize these characteristics in the organization, from hiring to coaching, and how they contribute to improving on being Good Friends and providing Great Service to the membership.

Thank you for being a member and allowing us to serve you.

William R. Anderson