Vote and Make a Difference for FAN!
Vote Love My Credit Union Campaign As part of the “Love My Credit Union Campaign”, Mid Oregon Credit Union has created a video about our school community involvement which could win FAN (Family Access Network) up to $26,000 this Fall if we get the most votes. You can...

Supplies 4 Schools Supports School Success for Central Oregon Students
Getting local kids off to a great start! As a homegrown credit union founded right here in Central Oregon by local educators, we know our members want every kid to get the start he or she needs to succeed in school. That’s why we’re once again partnering with the...

Preparing for the Stick Horse Race!
It's that time of year again. Excitement, fun, and warmer summer weather on the streets of Prineville. And the creation of dozens and dozens of colorful wooden steeds to be used in the Crooked River Roundup Stick Horse Races as kids paint and decorate their horses the...