Meeting Needs
Resources, information and services to help you meet your financial needs.

Your Top Five Credit Questions Answered
By Jean Chatzky* When it comes to building and maintaining good credit, the best path isn’t always obvious. A new survey from U.S. News & World Report shows that nearly one-third of Americans surveyed were unclear about exactly what factors have an impact on their...

Go Paperless With Mid Oregon eStatements
Looking for ways to declutter and simplify your financial life? One easy way is to reduce the amount of paper you receive in the mail. If you find that you're leaving your Mid Oregon statements sitting on your counter, unopened, consider trying eStatements instead!...

Adopt-A-Bear Donations Raise More Than $6,100 for Healthy Beginnings
Mid Oregon Credit Union members were generous with 2021 Adopt-a-Bear donations, raising more than $6,100 for Healthy Beginnings. Thank you! Throughout April, Mid Oregon members and the community supported Healthy Beginnings by "adopting a bear." They donated at...