Unless you talk with your grandkids about money, how are you going to positively influence them? You might be wondering how to talk with your grandkids about money. Here are some ways to start the conversation–and it’s not about writing them a check:

Share About the Past

Tell stories from your own life. It can be as simple as explaining how you saved for your first car or how you managed when money was tight.

Talk about how prices have changed. Historical context can be interesting to kids, particularly when it involves how inexpensive common goods or brand names they’re familiar with used to be.

Bring up savings when you give gifts. Christmas and birthdays can be a good time to encourage your grandkids to save with a money gift.

Put Them To Work

Hire your grands. Create opportunities for them to listen and share in money conversations by offering to pay them an hourly wage to do chores around the house.

Listen. If your grandkids are worried about their financial future, they may need an accommodating ear.

Engage in Money Conversations

Talking about money can be more important than handing it over. Engage your grandchildren in money conversations that help them see how you got where you are today. If you have resources to help out, that’s just a bonus.

Share the credit union difference with your loved ones. Tell them about the advantages of membership at Mid Oregon Credit Union and encourage them to contact us. Mid Oregon has savings tools to help them save, and checking accounts to help them manage money.