Financial New Year resolutions that are bound to stick
New Year resolutions can be difficult to keep because much of the time, we tend to aim a bit too high. Instead of declaring that we’ll exercise one more time per week than last year, we set a goal of exercising every day. It’s no surprise these resolutions sometimes...

Our Holiday Dough branch fundraiser concluded at the end of November, and the amounts raised were the most ever. With the donations received, we achieved a record breaking Holiday Dough through the generosity of our members and local community! Closing In On $9,000 in...

Holiday Dough Shows Local Generosity
Mid Oregon's Annual Holiday Dough Each year, Mid Oregon Credit Union's annual fundraiser, Holiday Dough shows local generosity, of our members and Central Oregon. In 2020 almost $9,000 was raised, the most ever. This year, we are on pace to exceed that amount, with...