Our Community
What Mid Oregon and our members are doing in the communities of Central Oregon.

9 Ways to Save on Back-to-School Shopping
School starts in some Central Oregon school districts very soon. During August, Mid Oregon Credit Union hosts a supply drive called "Supplies 4 Schools", in all 7 of our branches. Supplies are distributed through FAN in Deschutes and Crook Counties, and to the schools...

You Can Make a Difference with School Supplies
You Can Make a Difference with School Supplies and help local kids off to a great start! Mid Oregon Credit Union knows our members, and you, want every Central Oregon kid to get the start he or she needs to succeed in school. As a homegrown credit union founded right...

9 Cheap, Fun Things to Do in the Summer (Part 2)
If your budget says a big summer vacation is out of the question and our first five suggestions didn't hit the spot, here are four more inexpensive options for immersive summer fun. 6. Plan a summer blowout You’re likely not the only one looking for something to do,...