The Bottom Line

The Bottom Line

Small business is important to Central Oregon, and to Mid Oregon. Find tips and resources for business, and information about Mid Oregon’s commercial services and business members.

Online Shopping Season Brings Out Holiday Fraud

Online Shopping Season Brings Out Holiday Fraud

As 2022 flies by, believe it or not, the holiday online shopping season is upon us. This is your annual reminder to be on the lookout for all kinds of cyber thieves who are out there waiting to take advantage of all of us just wanting some cheer with our shopping excitement in an otherwise uncertain time. As that time slowly ticks away, or rushes by, depending on your point of view, the hackers continue to improve upon their various cyber scams. Online scams are becoming harder to detect, but it’s important to remain vigilant. Tis the season for holiday fraud.

How to Avoid Online Shopping Scams

*Avoid online shopping scams*

Always topping the list of ways cyber criminals take advantage of us is phishing.

Phishing Examples

  • Internet advertisements
  • Social medial advertisements
  • Email messages
  • Phone messages
  • Text/SMS messages

But don’t fret. There are some ways you can take matters into your own shopping fingertips to mitigate your risk of becoming a holiday fraud victim.

Online Security Tips

  • If you are unsure about an email’s or advertisement’s authenticity then you should independently verify it, delete it right away, or just not click on it. This means do some research before taking any action.
  • If you must check out something you see on the side of your social media feed, type the company name into the browser manually, rather than clicking links.
  • Protect your payment card numbers. If you have an option to use a payment service such as Apple or Google Pay or even PayPal, consider using them. They protect your account numbers from prying eyes. Plus, you don’t even have to take your card out of your wallet.
  • Speaking of payment cards, if you are out and about and doing an in-person purchase, use your payment card as a credit, rather than debit. This provides more protection for you in case the number is stolen.
  • Check your payment statements more often during this time period than you might otherwise. If you haven’t downloaded your financial institution’s mobile app, consider doing this. It makes it simple to check charges. By and large, mobile apps downloaded from the official app stores are safe to use. Just make sure to verify it is the correct app developed by or specifically for your financial institution. If you can’t be sure, contact customer service for assistance.
  • On the subject of downloading apps, stick to those official app stores. Don’t sideload them—meaning to get them from third-party sites.

With Black Friday (November 27), Small Business Saturday (November 28), and Cyber Monday (November 30), as well as the remainder of the holiday shopping period on the horizon, cybersecurity professionals advise extra caution when spreading holiday cheer. Online shopping brings more opportunities for Holiday fraud.

Want to know more? Read additional Mid Oregon blog articles about online security and fraud protection.

Content based on an article by Stickley on Security

Watch 2022 Financial Education Videos

Watch 2022 Financial Education Videos

Through October, Mid Oregon Credit Union has presented 17 Financial Fitness webinars on a variety of topics. All but one we have recorded, and they are available for viewing. One of our core purposes is to increase the financial literacy of our members, their families, and the community. As you can see below, you can easily watch 2022 financial education videos from anywhere, anytime.

Different Ways to Watch 2022 Financial Education Videos

Several of the presentations were done more than once during the year. While you can watch 2022 financial education videos from any of them, in this articles we’ve only included the most recent. To see all that are available, visit our YouTube channel, Your can also see the list from our website “Workshop Handouts and Archives” page.

Topic list:

Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs): Are They Right For You?Parenting in a Digital World
Building a Basic BudgetPreventing ID Theft
Business Services: Reaching Your 2022 Business Financial GoalsReaching Your 2022 Financial Goals
Business Services: Securing your future through Business Succession planningTake the Wheel, Get the Best Car Deal
Business Services: The Origin and Future of our Tight Labor MarketUnderstanding Digital Banking
Estate Planning EssentialsUnderstanding the ABCs (and Ds) of Medicare
Managing Your Credit

2022 Financial Education Videos

Reaching Your 2022 Financial Goals, January 13, 2022

Presented by Wayne Hanson, Mid Oregon Credit Union. Are you determined to save for that upcoming trip, fund your emergency savings, or make the down payment on your dream car? Wayne will you show you the steps to set your “SMART goal,” determine funding sources, and see your goals become reality.

Presentation Slide Deck
Goal-Setting Worksheet–One Year
NEFE-SMART Goal Setting
Goal-Setting Worksheet–Action Plan
Reaching Your Goals Resource List

Business Services: Reaching Your 2022 Business Financial Goals, January 27, 2022

Hear about business goal setting, honing in on financial type goals, and discuss how to achieve them. Learn about making meaningful financial goals and applying common financial tools and services to get in position to reach those goals. Join Wayne Hanson and Jacob Mayhill as they share principles and some real-world examples of what and how to do it.

Presentation Deck

Building a Basic Budget, February 10, 2022

Do you know where your last ATM withdrawal was spent? Are you living paycheck to paycheck? Do you have more month left at the end of your money? Watch our webinar to set your spending plan, in five steps. You will learn how to set realistic goals, track where your money goes, and develop that spending plan. Presented by Wayne Hanson, Community Development Officer, Mid Oregon Credit Union

Presentation Deck
Handout: SMART Financial Goals
Handout: Cash-Flow Statement

Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs): Are They Right For You? March 17, 2022

Accessory Dwelling Units, or ADUs and most people call them, are small homes built on the same property as a primary residence. In addition to increasing property value, ADUs can provide housing for elder family members, supplement income as a rental property, and much more. Join us on Thursday, March 17, 10 a.m., and learn more about ADUs, their many benefits, financing options, and determine if they are the right fit for your needs.

Presentation Slide Deck

Business Services: “The Origin and Future of our Tight Labor Market”, with Damon Runberg, March 24, 2022

Presented by Damon Runberg, state economist with the Oregon Employment Department covering Central Oregon, the Klamath Basin, and the Columbia River Gorge. He writes prolifically and regularly gives presentations on the state of the local economy. The tight labor market we are experiencing has been the talk of the town for months. Most of these conversations lead to assumptions about “overly generous unemployment insurance,” “lazy workers,” or “greedy workers.” The labor market is in fact very tight, among the tightest markets on record, however the reasons why are far more complex than many of these assumptions. Damon will help put today’s labor market into perspective and look into the future to see whether we can expect hiring to become easier.

Presentation Deck

Take the Wheel, Get the Best Car Deal, March 24, 2022

Are you planning to buy a car? In today’s environment, is it more important then ever that when you find that vehicle, you make a good purchase decision. Find out how to save money and remain in control of your car deal. Learn how to determine how much car you can afford, deal with dealers, negotiate the best car price, benefit from buying used and figure out finance options.

Presentation Slide Deck (.pdf)
Auto Buying Resources Handout
Vehicle Options Handout
Car Inspection Checklist Handout
Buyer’s Guide Example Handout

Preventing ID Theft (Handouts only. No video is available), April 28, 2022

FBI Fraud Alert Handout
Gift Card Scams Handout
How to Avoid a Scam (FTC) Handout
Identity Theft Recovery Plan (FTC) Handout
Identity Theft: What to Know, What to Do (FTC) Handout

Business Services: “Securing your future through Business Succession planning”, May 26, 2022

You’ve built your business into a valuable asset. Learn more about the essential steps to transition that value to secure your family’s future. Join Scott Reed, of Northwestern Mutual, as he shares how you can become the hero of your financial journey! . He has become inspired by the huge wave of employers who must monetize their business in the next few years to secure their future, because he is one of them!

Presentation Deck (.pdf)

Understanding Digital Banking, June 23, 2022

Presented by Jodie Rogers, Mid Oregon Credit Union. Get a guided tour through the main features of Mid Oregon’s new Digital Banking platform, such as the multiple ways to transfer funds, link outside accounts, personalize your security and alerts, and more. Plus, we’ll dig a little deeper to show you some features you might not expect!

Presentation Slide Deck (.pdf)

Parenting in a Digital World, September 15, 2022

Presented by guest speaker, Ryan Comingdeer, technology and parenting evangelist (and parent of five girls). This workshop will address how parents can keep their kids safe in the digital world. We will review how to discuss online security with your child, the best practices to implement security, tools to lock down your environment and how to best monitor your household activity. You will leave with an understanding of next steps and how to protect your family from spiritual, physical and emotional attacks.

Presentation Slide Deck (.pdf)

Managing Your Credit, September 20, 2022

The last couple of years have been difficult, and it may be a good idea to evaluate where you are financially. In our Managing Your Credit webinar, learn what factors affect your credit score, how to build a good credit history, the differences and connections between your credit report and credit score, and ideas for improvement.

Presentation Slide Deck (.pdf)
Credit Report FAQ Handout
Credit Score FAQ Handout
Vantage Credit Score Handout

Estate Planning Essentials, October 13, 2022

Special Guest Presenter Jeff Patterson of Lynch Murphy McLane LLP will cover wills, trusts, powers of attorney, healthcare documents, and beneficiary designation assets/accounts. He’ll also cover questions about what happens when someone becomes disabled/incapacitated and how the Oregon and federal estate tax laws can affect one’s estate and estate-planning considerations.

Presentation Slide Deck (.pdf)

Understanding the ABCs (and Ds) of Medicare, October 20, 2022

Presented by Emily Carrick, with PacificSource Medicare. Learn more about who is eligible for Medicare, and answer your most frequently-asked questions, including: When to sign up for Medicare, and how to do it; what is covered, and not generally covered by Medicare; what the differences are between a Medicare Supplement plan and a Medicare Advantage plan; extra help for people with limited income and resources; and where to go for expert help with your Medicare decisions.

Presentation Slide Deck (.pdf)
Medicare Beginner’s Guide (.pdf)

Future Live Webinars and Workshops

We have two more webinars scheduled for 2022: Building a Basic Budget on 11/15 at 7 p.m., and Preventing ID Theft on 12/8 at 10 a.m. Preventing ID Theft will not be recorded, so joining the webinar live is your option. Check our Financial Workshops page to learn more about these, and future webinars and live workshops.

Tips to Manage Your Holiday Spending

Tips to Manage Your Holiday Spending

The holiday season is upon us, bringing images of gatherings with friends and family, pumpkin pie, decorated trees, gifts—and debt? Avoid owing more money by learning to better manage your holiday spending.

It can be easy to go overboard on holiday shopping, but with a little bit of planning and budgeting, it is possible to celebrate without spending a fortune. Here are some tips:

7 Tips to Manage Your Holiday Spending

Give yourself a set amount to spend. Your budget is your buddy if you want to keep holiday spending under control. Determine how much to spend and give yourself a hard limit to ensure you stay under budget. Track your expenses so you know what
you’re spending and can stay on track.

Set budgets for everyone on your shopping list. From your nearest and dearest to your thoughtful neighbor, provide a dollar figure for each person you are gifting. Setting individual spending amounts can help pace your purchases.

Remember Non-Gift Spending, Too

Make sure your budget covers all holiday expenses—not just gifts. Gift-buying is a major expense in any holiday shopping budget, but shouldn’t be the only expense you consider. Planning to buy any new holiday decorations or hosting a holiday dinner? What about traveling? Manage your holiday spending to ensure your budget covers all expenses.

Shop early to hunt for deals. When it comes to holiday deal-hunting, the early bird may still get the worm. Pay attention to ads and promotions such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday, and see if you can get more bang for your buck.

Focus on crafts, homemade gifts or experiences. Consider alternative types of gifts that are easier on your budget and often more meaningful. You can make a homemade candle or wreath, bake a holiday dish or offer to clean a loved one’s home. These can be more appreciated and memorable than a store-bought gift.

Begin at the Beginning of the Year

Save year-round. The costs of holiday spending can be overwhelming for a one- or two-month budget. Save yourself this financial burden by setting aside monthly savings to spend throughout the holidays. It may be too late to take advantage of this budgeting tip for the coming holiday season so make a plan for 2023, such as a Savers Club account.

Skip a Payment. Free up your cash by taking advantage of this Mid Oregon service and enjoy a little breathing room during the holiday season. If you don’t have your loans with Mid Oregon, ask your financial institution what they can do.

It is worth it to manage your holiday spending and avoid the credit card debt hangover. Even if you can avoid the extra debt, you might have to sacrifice in other ways. Whether you struggle with holiday spending or you’re just looking for ways to better manage your money, using these budgeting tips can help you become a smarter shopper and spare you the stress of overspending.


Read more about good spending habits

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