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Getting in Financial Shape this Summer

Tips for Getting in Financial Shape- Woman triumphantly raising arms with the sun and sky behind her.

6 Tips for Getting in Financial Shape this Summer

At a time when many are busy getting their bodies beach ready, why not consider whipping your finances into shape this summer. Could you use a few tips for getting in financial shape?

Here are six things you can do to get your financial situation looking right.

1. Put Your Money On Autopilot

Set up direct deposit, authorize electronic payments, and automate routine savings. Streamlining your finances with online tools is about more than just saving time–it’s fun, helps you avoid late fees and overdraft fees, and helps you save money. Mid Oregon has the digital tools you need. Our mobile app give you convenience and control. Deposit checks, turn your debit card on and off, and many more features.

2. Create a Budget

Only about 40% of adults have a spending plan, according to the National Foundation for Credit Counseling. Create a plan by comparing expenses to monthly take-home pay. Look for spending leaks and make adjustments where necessary. Our loan officers can help you get started.

3. Build An Emergency Fund

Fifty-six percent of Americans don’t have a rainy day fund. Strive to save three to eight months of income and increase savings from there. Setting up an automatic transfer from checking to savings can help you build this fund. Savers’ Club Certificates are the perfect way to build up your fund. Read more about emergency funds.

4. Build Up Your Credit Score

Pay all bills on time, every time; keep a low utilization ratio; don’t open a flurry of new accounts in a short time period; don’t close existing credit; and pay your fines. Whether it’s a parking ticket or a library fine, pay up. If debts are reported to a credit reporting agency, they can knock down your credit score. For adults without credit scores or those trying to raise their score, our Credit Builder Loans can make a world of difference. Visit one of our 7 Central Oregon branches or email us to learn more.

5. Review Your Credit Report

Routinely checking your credit report can keep you informed of your credit score and of fraudulent activity on your accounts. Request one free credit report a year from each of the three major credit reporting bureaus by visiting, the only website authorized to provide free reports. You also can call 877-322-8228 or complete the Annual Credit Report Request Form and mail it to Annual Credit Report Request Service, P.O. Box 105281, Atlanta, GA, 30348-5281.

6. Beef up retirement funds

Make regular contributions to a retirement savings plan such as a 401(k) or IRA. If your company offers a 401(k) plan, contribute at least enough to meet the company match. If you don’t it’s like leaving free money on the table. Also consider opening an IRA at your Mid Oregon.

Would you like some additional tips? Visit any Mid Oregon branch and discuss your situation with one of our team. We would love to help you get in financial shape this summer!

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