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Community Connections

St Charles Tower-May 2019-Community Connections

Presidents Message: Community Connections

The team at Mid Oregon heads into the second quarter of 2019 engaged and ready to help our members achieve their financial dreams. We’ve seen consistent growth in new members, checking accounts and loans, while our updated deposit options have helped more members meet their savings goals.

As the seasons shift from winter to spring, the other big focus at Mid Oregon has been our commitment to serving our community. As the only financial institution headquartered in Central Oregon, we know you expect us to lead the way in efforts to make life better for our friends and neighbors, in building community connections.

Investments in Central Oregon

That’s why we were the first to pledge $50,000 to fund the new St. Charles Patient Tower, opening later this month. The timing of our gift ensures it will be matched by the Tykeson Family Foundation if the fundraising goals are met. We hope that other organizations follow our lead in supporting this vital community resource.

We know our members mirror our dedication to this community. A great example is the record-smashing total for this year’s Adopt-A-Bear branch fundraiser. Mid Oregon members are very generous—especially when it comes to the health and well-being of our community’s kids. Thank you for your support.

A Bite of Reality

Mid Oregon is also excited to lead the way in offering financial-literacy education. Later this month, our team and the Northwest Credit Union Association (NWCUA) will host the first “Bite of Reality” budgeting event at La Pine High School. We hope this is the first of many more opportunities to help local students develop smart money-management and budgeting skills.

Finally, let me be the first to welcome you to our new, updated member newsletter! The Mid Oregon Vista includes the announcements, news, and events you’ve come to expect, in a more colorful and easy-to-read format. You’ll continue to receive it in your mailbox four times each year.

Thank you for being a part of the Mid Oregon family!

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