Meeting Needs
Resources, information and services to help you meet your financial needs.

The Case for Married Couples to File Joint Tax Returns or Separate Tax Returns
By Chris O'Shea* The annual tax season comes with a question for married couples: Do you file jointly or separately? While most married couples file together, there are some reasons you might want to consider filing separately. Here’s the case for both methods. Why...
Credit Savvy free credit scores—now even better!
Credit Savvy, our free credit score and monitoring tool, is now even better! The updated feature includes some new and enhanced features, including some you just won't see in other products of its kind. Here are some of the things that will look a little different...
High Desert Museum Access Programs Sponsored by Mid Oregon
You may miss Mid Oregon Credit Union’s Free Family Saturday at the High Desert Museum. We certainly do! With Oregon's COVID-19 regulations, the Museum cannot offer these events. Mid Oregon wanted to continue supporting community access to the Museum. So, we are...