Meeting Needs
Resources, information and services to help you meet your financial needs.

2021 Free Shred Day on April 17
Mid Oregon has teamed up with Republic Services to provide free, personal shredding for our members and the community. Join us on Saturday, April 17, for our 2021 Free Shred Day! Support Healthy Beginnings There is no cost for shredding services. However, Mid Oregon...
Tax Tips in the Age of Corona
By Jean Chatzky* Everybody breathe. You’ve just been given a month’s reprieve, thanks to the IRS. Because the agency is mired in paperwork, the deadline to file federal and state income taxes has been moved back until May 17. Still, there’s no time like today to get...
Information about 2021 Economic Impact Payment
With the new American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, you may have questions about the latest Economic Impact Payment. Mid Oregon Credit Union has assembled some information and resources to assist our members and the community. The 2021 Economic Impact Payment differs...