Meeting Needs
Resources, information and services to help you meet your financial needs.

Ways To See If Your Data Has Been Stolen
With all the data breaches, whether by intrusion or accident lately, it’s likely your information was exposed somehow to someone you didn’t intend. After all, the marketing company Exactis, exposed hundreds of traits on us in 350 million records. Yahoo let out email...

BEFORE YOU BUY A NEW CAR: 3 Things You Need to Know
There are many things to consider before purchasing ANY car, but a NEW car might spark particular questions. There are pros and cons to buying new cars, just as there are pros and cons to buying used cars. You should figure out a few things before you buy a new car....

Keeping Your First Credit in Good Standing
Credit is a very tempting risk. As soon as you have all that available money at your disposal, all kinds of impulses can take hold of you. Stories abound of people getting numerous credit cards and going on spending sprees. Do you really think about keeping your first...