Meeting Needs
Resources, information and services to help you meet your financial needs.

Safeguard from Cybercrime- Yourself and Your Loved Ones
You’ve heard the words describing how hackers and scammers gain access to online information. But do you know what they really mean? Phishing, Smishing, hacking, spam? Here’s a short guide to explain cybercrime terms and how to keep your data safe: safeguard from...

Referring to Mid Oregon is a Win-Win!
Many of our members have spread the word about our great checking accounts, And that’s why we introduced our Tell-A-Friend about Mid Oregon Credit Union program. When a friend or family member opens a new checking account, you’ll both get a reward! Referring to Mid...

Tips to Avoid a Holiday Spending Hangover
You can survive the season without suffering a fiscal holiday hangover. By examining the reasons for overspending, planning expenditures, and identifying what's important to your family, you can rein in your spending and rediscover the joy of the holidays. USA Today...