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2016 College Graduates-Things to Do With Your Money

2016 College Graduates-Things to Do With Your Money

Welcome Home 2016 College Graduates!

Summer is here, and many 2016 college graduates have come home to Central Oregon. For them, life it different now, with new challenges, opportunities, and the prospects of being totally independent and responsible.

But being a college graduate doesn’t mean an automatically know how on managing money. It may also mean that large student loan payments will soon start coming due.

We found this recent article from that has some specific things a recent- or not so recent- graduate can do to improve their financial well being. Below is an excerpt of the beginning, and we’ve provided the link to finish reading the article written by Samantha Sharf of Forbes.

Mid Oregon has resources available to help on several of the changes grads can make, so after reading the article come and see us to learn how we can help.

11 Things to Do With Your Money in the First Five Years After College Graduation

A lot changes during the years that separate college graduation from five-year reunion. After caps and gowns come first jobs and apartments, then–far too often–bad bosses and roommates, leading to second jobs and apartments. A few years later your Facebook news feed will become a sea of engagement photos, foretelling weekends inundated with weddings. In the meantime, former classmates will become lawyers, doctors, MBAs–and occasionally parents.

Throughout all this you’ll wonder how you became old enough for a lease, for taxes, for a bridesmaid’s dress. You may also ask yourself: How am I going to afford all this? As your life evolves in the early years of adulthood so do your finances, the relationship you have with your money and what you need it to do for you.

If you are at the start of this journey, congratulations. Now is the best opportunity you will have to keep out of financial trouble and develop a solid foundation. But if there is no need to panic if you’ve already got a few working years under your belt, you’re not old yet. Small changes can still go a long way.


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